Being surrounded by inspiring people that challenge our views, that dare to ask uncomfortable questions, that confront us with our shadows, that show us new perspectives and that generously share tools with us that help us to grow individually and as a business is an important ingredient of the Slow Sex Experience.

We want to give a shoutout to a few special people that have dedicated and invested a lot of their personal and professional time to support Katjalisa on her path as a Slow Sex thought leader. Thank YOU for your love, for your care and for your integrity.


Francine and Katjalisa are, among many other things, connected by their shared vision and the deep desire to contribute to the healing of the collective by offering empowering insights and hands-on tools. With humor and boldness they call out authorities, question existing systems, structures and labels, undig transgenerational shit, make the unseen visible and create awareness around edgy subjects. They have big, exciting plans on how to offer guidance and support in a creative and approachable way, especially to the younger generation.

“Sometimes you meet someone and you just feel ‘that’s simply it’. When I met Francine at a book presentation at the Balie in Amsterdam I followed my impulse the next day to send her an email and to ask her out - without any expectations but with a sincere curiosity to get to know her. Since then, we have not only become intimate friends and soul lovers but also collaborators. I feel that Francine understands the essence of my being more than most people I have shared my life with so far. I absolutely love her confronting questions, her edginess, her openness to try new things and her never ending hunger to get to know herself. We enjoy going for walks or just to sit on the veranda and talk endlessly while drinking Rose and eating crackers with goat cheese and figs from the garden. I never feel ‘too much’ next to her. She empowers me to take my place in the world, to speak up and to live my full potential.”


“Bas has been my soul mate and intimate ally for almost a decade now. We are connected through our deep and loving friendship as well as our shared interest in intergenerational trauma. Bas has helped me a lot to put important pieces of my puzzle together and to place it into the bigger picture. He has witnessed and supported my personal and professional journey with a lot of patience and compassion and has called me out on my shit like no other. I’m grateful for all the confronting questions he has dared to ask me along the way and for all the mirrors he has put in front of my face so that I could see my own blind spots. Thank you for holding me in your arms when I’ve been crying like a baby, for providing me with shelter when I was homeless, for singing out loudly while walking on the canals of Amsterdam and for dancing with me like a God would dance with a Goddess to the moon and back.”

“From the moment I met her, Lorie fascinated me for many different reasons. It’s been quite some struggle to find my place next to her. At the beginning, she brought up a lot of insecurities inside of me and I’ve felt intimidated by her powerful presence, her immense wisdom and her expansive educational background. With ‘heart sweat’ I’ve worked through my triggers to be able to meet her on eye level. Through her strong and skilled communication and her endless care, Lorie has been helping me to heal my wounds around sisterhood. To me, she is a living example and a great role model on how to restore human relations based on her deeply rooted connection to nature from which she draws a lot of her inspiration. She is a compassionate listener and a skilful observer. Her radical honest feedback about my work has helped me grow so much! She has invested a lot of her precious time to mirror me, to hold me accountable for my actions (or missed actions) and to confront me with my darkest parts. With great generosity she has been sharing a lot of her tools and expertise around trauma and sexological bodywork with me driven by the genuine interest to empower me so that I could serve others in the best possible way.”

“Sanderijn van der Doef is my academic mommy. She supports my out of the box research style and backs it up with the knowledge and insights of the academic world. When I came across Sanderijn for the first time in April 2018, I was working on some edgy pioneering sexual education for children and felt that I really needed supervision from a recognized authority in that field. We had an instant connection. Since then, we’ve been meeting personally every time I am in Amsterdam - to exchange ideas, to brainstorm, to give each other feedback and to explore collaborations. I am extremely grateful for having her in my professional life and I am looking forward to introducing her to my other ‘inspirationships’ knowing that some pretty cool stuff will come out of that!”